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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Indiana Math Standards - 7th GradeMathScore aligns to the Indiana Math Standards for 7th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Number Sense and Computation7.1.1 Read, write, compare and solve problems using whole numbers in scientific notation. (Scientific Notation 2 , Scientific Notation )7.1.2 Recognize and compute whole number powers of positive integers. (Exponent Basics ) 7.1.3 Recognize the prime factors of a number and find the prime factorization of whole numbers and write the results using exponents. (Prime Factoring , Prime Factoring 2 ) 7.1.4 Recognize or use prime and composite numbers to solve problems. (Prime Numbers ) 7.1.5 Recognize and use the inverse relationship between squaring and finding the square root of a perfect square integer. (Estimating Square Roots , Perfect Squares ) 7.1.6 Identify, write, rename, compare and order rational and common irrational numbers and plot them on a number line. 7.1.7 Solve problems that involve multiplication and division with integers, fractions, decimals and combinations of the four operations. (Unit Cost , Fraction Multiplication , Fraction Division , Fraction Word Problems 2 , Decimal Multiplication , Decimal Division , Integer Multiplication , Integer Division , Integers In Word Problems ) 7.1.8 Solve problems involving percents. • Find the whole given a part and the percentage (Percent of Quantity ) • Find percentage increase or decrease. (Percentage Change ) 7.1.9 Solve problems involving ratios and proportions. • Express one quantity as a fraction of another, given their ratio, and vice versa. (Ratios ) • Find how many times one quantity is as large as another, given their ratio, and vice versa. • Express one quantity as a fraction of another given the two quantities. (Ratios ) • Find the whole, or one part, when a whole is divided into parts in a given ration. • Solve problems involving two pairs of equivalent ratios. (Proportions 1 ) Algebra and Functions7.2.1 Use variables and appropriate operations to write an expression, equation or inequality that represents a verbal description. (Phrases to Algebraic Expressions , Algebraic Word Problems , Algebraic Sentences 2 , Algebraic Sentences )7.2.2 Write and solve two-step linear equations and inequalities in one variable. (Single Variable Equations 2 , Single Variable Inequalities ) 7.2.3 Evaluate numerical expressions and simplify algebraic expressions involving rational and irrational numbers. (Variable Substitution , Absolute Value 2 , Simplifying Algebraic Expressions , Variable Substitution 2 , Simplifying Radical Expressions ) 7.2.4 Solve an equation or formula with two variables for a particular variable. (Triangle Area 2 , Rectangular Solids 2 , Distance, Rate, and Time , Two Variable Equations ) 7.2.5 Find the slope of a line from its graph and relate the slope of a line to similar triangles. (Determining Slope ) 7.2.6 Draw the graph of a line given its slope and one point on the line or two points on the line. 7.2.7 Identify situations that involve proportional relationships, draw graphs representing these situations and recognize that these situations are described by a linear function in the form y = mx where the unit rate m is the slope of the line. Geometry and Measurement7.3.1 Identify and use basic properties of angles formed by transversals intersecting pairs of parallel lines. (Identifying Angles , Angle Measurements 2 )7.3.2 Identify, describe, and use transformations (translations, rotations, reflections and simple compositions of these transformations) to solve problems. (Translations and Reflections ) 7.3.3 Draw two-dimensional patterns (nets) for three-dimensional objects, such as right prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones. 7.3.4 Recognize, describe, or extend geometric patterns using tables, graphs, words, or symbols. 7.3.5 Identify, describe, and construct similarity relationships and solve problems involving similarity (including similar triangles) and scale drawings by using proportional reasoning. 7.3.6 Solve simple problems involving distance, speed and time. • Understand concepts of speed and average speed. • Understand the relationship between distance, time and speed. (Distance, Rate, and Time ) • Find speed, distance or time given the other two quantities. (Distance, Rate, and Time ) • Write speed in different units (km/h, m/s, cm/s, mi/hr, ft/sec). • Solve simple problems involving speed and average speed. (Distance, Rate, and Time ) Data Analysis and Probability7.4.1 Create, analyze and interpret data sets in multiple ways using bar graphs, frequency tables, line plots, histograms and circle graphs. Justify the choice of data display. (Bar Graphs , Line Graphs )7.4.2 Make predictions from statistical data and use proportions to make estimates about a population based on a sample. (Batting Averages ) 7.4.3 Describe how additional data, particularly outliers, added to a data set may affect the mean, median and mode. 7.4.4 Analyze data displays, including ways that they can be misleading. Analyze ways in which the wording of questions can influence survey results. 7.4.5 . Understand that when all outcomes of an experiment are equally likely, the theoretical probability of an event is the fraction of outcomes in which the event occurs. Use theoretical probability and proportions to make approximate predictions. (Probability ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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